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    • 主演:Brandon Auret 
    • 导演:William Collinson 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:南非 
    • 年份:2017 
    • 更新:04.28
    • 简介:Paul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. Accidentally he lands a job as a chauffeur after meet


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    Paul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. Accidentally he lands a job as a chauffeur after meeting a mysterious wealthy gentleman named Bernhard. Soon he gets involved with in a passionate love affair with Bernhard’s lover, Michelle. Things start getting complicated for everybody when Bernhard’s daughter, Lindsey, gets kidn... (展开全部)   Paul Mullan has left the police force after mistakenly killing his partner. He became a drifter. Accidentally he lands a job as a chauffeur after meeting a mysterious wealthy gentleman named Bernhard. Soon he gets involved with in a passionate love affair with Bernhard’s lover, Michelle. Things start getting complicated for everybody when Bernhard’s daughter, Lindsey, gets kidnapped. Trying to not involve the police, Bernhard asks Paul and Michelle to help rescue Lindsey. They managed to do it but they also discover that Lindsey wasn’t so innocent after all.


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